In this edition of Archer’s Newsletter we highlight the Company’s recent partnership with the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Archer is the first Australian company to partner with the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR).
The partnership recognises Archer’s leadership and patented innovation in qubit processors for semiconductor devices in quantum computing and graphene-based biochips in medical diagnostics.
Archer will work with organisations looking to utilise Archer’s semiconductor technology, public and private sector collaborators, and strategic partners for product development.
We will benefit from exclusive access, engagement and connections with leading institutions to bolster our technology development.
The Forum partnership complements our strategic cooperation with GlobalFoundries, TSMC, the Australian Institute for Machine Learning, and the leading Swiss tech institute EPFL.
Archer will join as an Australian industry representative alongside other advanced technology centres.
We look forward to contributing across the C4IR, where more than 300 policy and governance experts, 60 initiatives, 18 global centres, and 450 innovators and technology pioneers are driving progress on critical initiatives.
Dr Mohammad Choucair, FRACI FRSN GAICD
Chief Executive Officer
Archer Materials Limited (ASX: AXE)
Designed by Aaron Knight.