June 10, 2022


Preparing the trusted internet for the age of quantum computing



Good afternoon, I would like to share a Deloitte Insight report titled ‘Preparing the trusted internet for the age of quantum computing’.

The Insight provides an overview of the various cryptographic techniques and the foundations of secure communications and transactions mostly used today, with ‘post-quantum’ cryptography infrastructure front of mind, emphasising:

  • Building awareness of quantum security risks by understanding and educating yourself on existing cryptographic systems and the importance of future quantum-safe cryptographic infrastructure
  • Approaches to cryptographic governance that consider post-quantum security standards
  • Cryptography assets including data security, cryptographic keys, and infrastructure limitations

As many readers will know, data security is activating a global response to address systemic cybersecurity challenges and improvements in digital trust. The internet is reliant on cryptographic algorithms to ensure data safety, and these algorithms are built into hardware and software alike.

Cryptographic algorithms safeguard sensitive personal and financial information. Within the coming decades, some of these cryptographic algorithms could become obsolete as a result of quantum processing capability.

Archer continues to participate and contribute to the ongoing national discussion on quantum, which is led by Australia’s Chief Scientist.


Dr Mohammad Choucair, FRACI FRSN GAICD
Chief Executive Officer
Archer Materials Limited (ASX:AXE)
