Good morning, in this edition of Archer’s Newsletter, we highlight some of the Company’s 2022 achievements and reflect on what has been a transformative year for Archer.
This year we provided insight into the complexity of our work, which is impossible to overstate, but we also conveyed that our endeavour, of necessity, has to be global. Limited vision and short horizons may make Archer staff’s working lives more comfortable, but it is not the prescription for what I believe the Company can become.
We aim high, but there are plenty of reality checks in the semiconductor sector and we know full well that for our vision to be seen as realistic, we needed to make significant progress in 2022, and we did:
I am confident about our ability to execute on our plans moving forward. Our progress to date – the devices we are building and the patents we’ve generated – testify to this.
We saw 2022 as a year in which Archer Materials’ work would prime it ultimately to become a global semiconductor company. This vision is very simple but it is also very powerful and I believe that there are investors and other observers who appreciate the focus and quality that Archer brings to this goal.
I would like to thank our shareholders for their continued support. Nearly every step forward is a step into the unknown. But ultimately progress only comes by taking those steps.
I wish you all a wonderful 2022 and I look forward to an exciting 2023.
Dr Mohammad Choucair, FRACI FRSN GAICD
Chief Executive Officer
Archer Materials Limited (ASX: AXE)
Designed by Aaron Knight.