January 16, 2023


Global semiconductor industry outlook, current state of quantum


Good morning, in this first edition of Archer’s Newsletter, we would like to share the key findings of the soon-to-be-released Global Semiconductor Industry Outlook for 2023 by KPMG and the Global Semiconductor Alliance, and a recent quantum technology insight report prepared by the World Economic Forum.

The information provided by KPMG and GSA, and WEF, provide some helpful background and context to some of the interesting and ground-breaking work we are doing at Archer.

As a semiconductor company, technology development is an intense focus for us. This makes capabilities related to chip design and fabrication, and intellectual property protection of high strategic importance at Archer.

Our theme for 2023 is ‘Scale’ and we see 2023 as a year in which Archer Materials’ progress centres around this concept, particularly:

  • Designing and developing Archer’s unique technologies
  • Bringing qubit devices to industrial semiconductor manufacturing
  • Applying our talent and resources towards growing our patent portfolio

As you would appreciate, this is complex work that requires significant innovation. We are constantly challenging ourselves in the fast moving and critical semiconductor landscape, and I look forward to an exciting year ahead.


Dr Mohammad Choucair, FRACI FRSN GAICD
Chief Executive Officer
Archer Materials Limited (ASX: AXE)

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